Název: The Great Escape
Termín a místo: 13. - 16. 5., Brighton (Velká Británie)
Finanční podpora: 5 000,- a slevový kód na akreditaci
Kdo se hlásí: hudební profesionálové (manažer, promotér, novinář, booking agent, …)
Limit: až 8 podpořených profesionálů
Aktivity SoundCzech: CEEntral Party
Uzávěrka: 1. 4. 2020
Web akce: https://greatescapefestival.com/
"The emerging artists from all over the world in 30+ walkable venues across the city and a pop-up festival site on Brighton Beach. It's the first place to discover your new favourite artist and see them in an intimate setting before They go on to headline major festival stages. TGE is also attended by the music industry who are on the hunt for the next big thing. We run a konference alongside the gigs featuring insightful panels, topical debates, keynote speeches and networking opportunities in abundance. The Alternative Escape, out Spotlight Shows, secret gigs, club nights and spontaneous collaboration all add to the festivities and make this weekend in Brighton one not to miss."
Kontaktní osoba: Michaela Beránková, berankova@soundczech.cz, 732 275 431